
  1. VPC

  2. At least 2 subnets in that VPC (These should be marked properly for load balancing, see alb-ingress

  3. EKS Cluster

    The above requirements can be created using eksctl

    Avionix_airflow is also preconfigured to use kube2iam, which can be used to assign roles to your kubernetes pods

  4. An AWS EFS Volume (Be sure this is available in the same subnets as the cluster and the security group allows traffic from the cluster’s security group)

  5. An IAM role that is authorized to manipulate ALB’s based on the subnet tags you wrote above. You can find a minimal policy for this here

  6. An IAM role that can set up an record dns in route53. You can find information about the required policy here

  7. An IAM role that can control the autoscaling group. The required policy can be found here